Stopped in with my wife to take a look at the progress since Friday. The engine is looking like it's ready to fire up and Frank was going to be doing that this afternoon.
The fuse box is in and the new rear speakers are also bolted in...easier to do this before it's all sealed up. Tomorrow, I'll bring over the alarm system and the door lock actuators so that Frank can get those in and put the door cards back on.

A unexpected (not really) extra expense is that the right front Macpherson strut is damaged beyond repair and the Tokico gas strut cartridge inside it is also dimpled. While it's not leaking, it probably would fail in short order.

The difficulty is in finding a front strut in decent condition as most are rusted to within an inch of their lives. Andre and I decided to just go with a whole new set of Bilstein HD...ah , it's only money, right?
it's a great story - i am not bored for 1 second!!!!
Hello, I just picked up an 89' Red Cabriolet the other day, and the rear speakers are toast and I want to put new ones in. I can't figure out how I'm supposed to get at them behind the paneling. Any tips?
Thanks, Gavin
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